giovedì 6 maggio 2010

Are you ready to fly trough the Galaxies?

On a creepy and dark night suddently it comes... the LIGHT!

The newest Miyamoto masterpiece- Super Mario Galaxy 2 (that is the sequel of another Masterpiece of gaming) is almost out on stores: less than a month and some of my very lucky friends, who live in the other side of the World, will get their own Galactic Game and will have a Galactic FUN!

We have all surely heard a lot of the first Mario adventure into galaxies, but we have never heard so much as that time his new return into galaxies!
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is promising a lot of great things by only looking at its "few" previews on the internets and by reading only the still-living excitement of the "privileged gamers" who have already plaiedthis wonderful Game. Also by only looking to the MANY spoilers, which are living there out of the internets!! X,D

I cannot forget the perfect mark given to Super Mario Galaxy back in 2007 by Nintendo la Rivista Ufficiale (Official Nintendo Magazine in Italy): 11/10 (11 out of 10...more than perfect)!

It is said that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is going to be way better than the first one: there will be more stars, levels, bosses and we'll see a lot of "old friends" and planets coming back... and the game itself is going to be much harder than the first!! It has been added also that it will be way funnier!!! That is really incredible!!

So I am going to ask: how much will Nintendo La Rivista Ufficiale give to Super Mario Galaxy 2, if it's going to be better than its prequel?? Just curious! ;D

Anyway, Edge has already given its mark: 10/10. The second game its just perfect. What can I tell more??

Future's Nintendo official Magazine is going to celebrate the arrival of Super Mario Galaxy 2 in a very special way, deserved only to a very special game... <3 style="text-align: left;">They are going to print out 5 different covers featuring Yoshi and Mario with a Power star, Light Yoshi, Blimp Yoshi, Rock Mario, Cloud Mario and Drill Mario! *w*

Which one(s) would you buy?? I personally like very much the Light Yoshi- and Cloud Mario covers! *.*

There are going to be many other very interesting things inside of the magazine:

Check out this site , to find more information about all of this! =)

I think that English gamers are going to be very lucky... XD

Never judge a book from the cover....But it's different for a Super Mario special cover and game cover! Outside and inside it's going to be whenever AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL!! *U*

1 commento:

  1. Man, you're excited. I bet you've been talking and thinking about SMG2 for months now (since it was announced?), I bet you're gonna keep talking about it until you get the game and I bet you're gonna keep talking for weeks after you beat it. Haha.

    I'm pretty sure that the game will be even better, too. I personally don't think that SMG1 it's perfect, though. SM64 is still better by far (perhaps that one is the best Mario game), though SMB 3 is my personal favorite because of NOSTALGIA GOOGLES, making me like SMG more because of the SMB 3-likeness it's packed with. Though I LOVE Super Mario Galaxy and I'm sure I'll love it's sequel, too.

    Though with each new Mario game I play, they get just easier and easier with each new release. SMG had a ridiculous amount of 1-Ups to be found everywhere. I honestly don't know how the game over screen is in SMG, really. That about SMG2 being harder... I don't expect much of it, perhaps a little less easy, I guess.
