lunedì 15 novembre 2010

Too many things to write as title!

How long not seen!! =D

I have a lot of news to share with you!

Maybe you didn't know...but I have been working for the whoooole summer (also September and October) and that's the why there hasn't been so much activity lately in my blog! It has been a time full of weird things, but I have learnt at least how society works...meh.._._
The other reason is that, when I finished working, all my will to draw exploded all at once: so I have been drawing a lot lately and I have discovered also some new digital techniques!
I would like to show you an example of it.

At the beginning of this year, I have uploaded on my deviantart gallery (check if you haven't already XD) this drawing dedicated to the Super Mario Galaxy saga. Its newest version is the upper one!

There is not so much difference between the two drawings, but maybe you have realized that I have found a way to clean lines and give a more “dream-like” look to my them: that is something I have always wanted to reach.

(I have found this technique by mistake anyway. >.> Maybe that's the why they say we can learn a lot from our mistakes, eheh!! =D)
Other news are that I am fully inspired lately and so I DO want to make something really big on this later time. =3

On the other side, I have bought also a software to make music (yay :D)! It's not that “big thing” everyone think and I have already recieved many critiques for my choice... I hope I won't receive them when I make music with it! D: However, it got all the sounds and devilish stuff I need to loose enough time of my life: I am a “fresh” newby in the music sector and I obviously don't ask for too much for a start (again)!! ;<
In less words, you see I am having so many projects (troubles) for 2011: more arts and music.... But also GRADUATE at university is on my 2011 plans. I hope to graduate soon: I don't like to study!! DX

With all the projects I got in my mind, it seems like I must get out of a big maze in a few seconds: will it be possible? I will make it possible!! >.<
This is our PHILOSOPHY! =D

DT Version:

So viel Zeit haben wir nicht gesehen!
Ich habe viele news ihr zu teilen!

Vielleich wisst ihr nicht... dass ich der wohl Sommer gearbeitet habe (auch September und October) und so gibt hier nicht so viel Aktivitaeten auf meinem Blog! Dort war Zeit ein bisschen verschroben...aber ich habe gelernt, wie Gesellschaft funzioniert... -.-

Als ich arbeiten geendet habe, hat Meinem Zeichnunen- Will losgegangen: ich zeichne in den Letzen Zeiten sooo Viel und ich habe eine neue Zeichnungs Technik aufgefunden!
Ich wunsche ihnen zur Schau zu tragen, wie es scheint.
Alt Version:
*Seht English Version
Neu Version:
*Idem XD
Es gibt nich so viel Unterschied, aber vielleicht hat ihr gesehen, dass ich eine Betragen um meine Zeichnungen mehr “einwandfrei” und mehr “Traum-look” zu haben: das ist WAS ich immer zuerraichern moechte!
(Ich habe diese Zeichnungs Technische im Fehler gefunden: vielleich ist das weil man “wir lernen von unsere Pfehlen” sagt!)

Andere neue Anrichten sind, dass ich viel begeistern bin und dort ich WILL etwas toll machen...
Ich habe auch ein new Musik software gekauft (yay :D)! Es is nicht so “toll” wie man denkst und man hat meine Entscheidung kritisieren... Ich hoffe, dass ich nicht mehr Besprechungen horen wurde, als ich Musk schaffen werde!D= Das Software hat alle die Lauten und “teuflischen” Dingen, die ich benutze um Zeit zu verpassen (XD): Ich bin “Neue” in dem Musik Sektor und deutlich bitte ich nicht um Viel zu haben! ;<
Also, Ihr seht, dass ich viele Projekete habe... mehr Kunst und Musik. Aber auch die Universitat ABZUSHLIESSEN. Ich hoffe, dass ich Akademikerin bald werde, aber ich studiere nicht gern! XD
Mit allem diesen Projecten in meinem Geist, es scheint, dass ich außerhalb derStadtmauern einer Irrgarten gehen muss: wird es moglich sein?? Ich werde es moglich sein!>.<
Das ist unsere Philosophie! =D

lunedì 13 settembre 2010



Big Thanks to Shigeru Miyamoto, who keeps us being happy and having fun!! Wohooo!!! ^o^

venerdì 18 giugno 2010

The Legend of Zelda: Skysword Soul & Mario Strikers Charged trailers:so different games with...

...1 thing in common! =D

In the latest Nintendo E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo- an event where all the most important new comers of videogaming are introduced to the worldwide press), for the first time, a trailer of the new The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has been introduced!

Enjoy it here!

Meanwhile, I would like also to share with you this beautiful intro movie for Super Mario Strikers Charged! =)

Hope you are enjoying both of them! ;o


Watch from part 1:30 of the Skyward Sword trailer and see carefully the part where Link is "suiciding" himself by falling down from a very high mountain...:*]


Watch also from part 0.30 of the Strikers Charged intro movie, where Mario is trying to follow Bowser with a "suicide"! XD

Now, it's time you would ask me: "What the hell has to do the new The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword with Super Mario Strikers Charged??>=("

You see it with your eyes! I just think that these 2 scenes from 2 very different games are pretty similar: Mario and Link are both falling down from a very high place in the same risky way...not to tell that the frames are almost the same and the scenes actually ARE the scenes! XD

Obviosuly, this is not a critique nor I'm complaining to the games. I'm only a trying to do the"nerd" who tries to split hairs! XD
Maybe this was a case, or maybe the creator of the scenes for both the trailers is the same (at least, both the games comes from Nintendo), moreover, it could be that they like this kind of scenes at Nintendo's! ;p
Anyway..CAN't WAIT to play THAT new game of The Legend of Zelda, that looks too poetic to resist to!! *-*

giovedì 10 giugno 2010

Mario Melone! Xp

Disegnino di un powerup tutto mio, creato per un concorso che festeggia l'uscita di Super Mario Galaxy 2 in Italia! ;)
Ovviamente, MarioMelone non si mangia! Xp
Ora devo fuggire però, perchè stò scrivendo da un internet point!! Ci si rivede la prossima settimana!! =)

martedì 18 maggio 2010

Whata great family! *o*

Nintendo fanclub is selling this poster on its online store...
I r
eally love it! I whish I could find a highest quality picture...but I guess it will be hard to get it! ;_;

giovedì 13 maggio 2010

Bowser Emblem flag

Hello everyone!!

Today I'll offer you "fanservice" (as always, I guess xD)!

If you are not an inhabitant of the Mushroom Kingdom, you may have difficulties on getting a good pic of the flag with the Bowser's Emblem... Don't you know what I am talking about??

THIS one is the flag I am talking about... you can see the logo on it!

So, I thought to recreate the Bowser's emblem myself, just to make things easier! ;)

You're free to use it in the way you like best: you don't need to credit me... this is a little gift! ;p

Click on the image to download it! =D

See you next tiiime! xD

venerdì 7 maggio 2010


Adorate New Super Mario Bros Wii? Oltre al puro divertimento, vi sentite i più bravi videogiocatori della Nazione ma non sapete come dimostrarlo??

Ebbene, con grande soddisfazione, vi annuncio che Nintendo Italia ha organizzato uno specialissimo torneo live di New Super Mario Bros Wii: COIN BATTLE CHAMPIONSHIP! ^O^

Tutti i più accaniti videogiocatori si incontreranno personalmente per sfidarsi a New Super Mario Bros wii! Sarete voi alcuni di quei videogiocatori?

Il torneo si svolgerà in diverse tappe italiane -Torino, Milano, Verona, Bologna, Firenze, Perugia, Roma, Napoli e Bari- ed è aperto a tutti videogiocatori (e non xD )di tutte le età, senza distinzione di sesso, razza, religione e qualsiasi cosa vogliate!
Quindi Alieni, funghetti, tuo bisnonno e chi vuole.... tutti sono invitati a questo grandissimo Torneo marioso, l'unico più importante fin'ora registrato in Italia dopo la Coin Battle Championship giapponese!

I premi in palio sono un trofeo Coin Battle (per tutti quelli che saliranno al primo podio), Wii Sport Resort (per i giocatori singoli over 13 e per le squadre) e statuette mariose (per i giocatori under 13). Coloro che raggiungeranno il secondo podio saranno premiati con felpe e t-shirt ufficiali targate Nintendo NSMBwii! =)

Ma non è finita qui: i vincitori nazionali, ovvero coloro che avranno guadagnato più punti di TUUUUTTI gli altri giocatori italiani, vinceranno non solo un Trofeo della Coin Battle Championship, ma anche una raffinatissima Wii Nera e... rullo di tamburi... un invito speciale per il Super Mario Party (che cosa sarà mai?? Ma non suona affatto male! *-*)di Milano. Ovvimente, l'ulteriore premio sarà pure un biglietto per il treno di andata e ritorno per Milano! :D


Warplink per il sito ufficiale !

Qui potrete trovare ulteriori informazioni riguardo alle date, agli orari e alle collocazione precise di ogni torneo.... e pure uno stranissimo regolamento!

Anche se siete abituati a fare smorfie o imprecare mentre giocate a Super Mario Bros, cercate di trattenervi questa volta.... o verrete SQUALIFICATIII!! ;_;